
How To Remove A Phone Number From Blacklist App

has the function of adding and removing users to the blacklist. The question of how to remove from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki is asked by many users, so below are several options for performing this action.

Before figuring out how to remove a user from the blacklist, you need to understand what its essence is. Adding to the blacklist deprives a person of the ability to view all your data, comment on photos and posts, write private messages, etc.

It is easy to add to an emergency situation: press the button "Complain" under the main user photo, then - a tick next to the inscription "Add to the black list". You can complain about all members of the resource, regardless of the status of friendship. When the relationship with the blocked user has improved, he can be quickly rehabilitated by removing him from the corresponding list.

As the first option for deleting, consider the following method:

Option two:

Important! There is no way to immediately clear the Odnoklassniki blacklist. You will have to manually delete users one at a time.

mobile version

To remove from the blacklist in, you must do the following:

Attention! There is another way to remove a user from an emergency situation. Go to his page. Click on the three dots next to the photo. In the drop-down menu, click "Unblock" and confirm the action.

Odnoklassniki app

This option is suitable for those who use the Odnoklassniki app:

REFERENCE: There is no way to disable the block and remove yourself from the blacklist. This can only be done by the initiator. To check if you are included in the list, try sending a message to the user of interest or go to the page. If it doesn't work, you are blocked.

Now you know how to remove from the blacklist on Odnoklassniki. Before removing the block and canceling the ban, keep in mind that now the user will be able to write comments on the photo, send private messages, and view the page. However, if you want to return a person to Odnoklassniki's blacklist forever, there will be no problems.

If someone calls your phone very often, then you can stop answering the call, turn off the sound, but the call will still interfere. The problem can be solved using the function built into smartphones - "Black List". Thus, the contact will be blocked, and the person will not be able to reach you.

What is the "Blacklist" and what is it used for

The blacklist is additional function that all modern phones... With the help of the "Black List", owners of smartphones based on the Android operating system can protect themselves from calls from hooligans and unpleasant people with whom they try not to communicate, block calls from various advertising agencies and their mailings.

You can block a contact through your operator cellular communication... Unlike blocking via the phone, this function is paid, but it provides more options. For example, except for incoming calls, you will not receive notifications about calls to the specified subscriber, his messages.

Adding a contact to the blacklist using the built-in function does not provide such an opportunity, but it is completely free. In this case, calls from the selected subscriber will be blocked, but the system will automatically send you a notification about this call, as well as all messages sent by the subscriber.

How to add a contact / phone number to the "Blacklist" on Android

In different versions mobile devices based on the Android operating system, the way to add a contact to the blacklist is slightly different. The main differences in settings exist between Android versions below 4.0 and, accordingly, newer versions above 4.0.

Adding to the "Blacklist" on Android below 4.0

On Android version below 4.0, the number of the subscriber you want to block must be in the list of contacts on your phone. In older versions of the operating system, you first have to activate the "Blacklist" function and only then add a contact:

Adding to the "Blacklist" on Android above 4.0

Adding a number to the blacklist on smartphones with Android above 4.0 will be slightly different:

Please note that in all cases, after blocking a subscriber, you will no longer receive calls from him. Nevertheless, every time after a blocked subscriber calls, an SMS notification will come about the time and date of the call, and the subscriber will also be able to independently send messages to your smartphone. If you are regularly worried about unknown number, for example, advertising agency, then add him to contacts and to the black list, then he will not be able to get through.

Video: how to add to the "Blacklist" on an Android phone

Configuring the "Black List"

You can return a contact to the whitelist different ways... Most often, it is enough to do the same procedure as when adding, only you need to uncheck the box next to "Enable black list" (the wording will differ by different models phones). Unfortunately, standard means smartphones do not allow you to change other parameters, for example, indicate a specific date when you cannot be reached, but this can be done using additional programs.

Additional programs for blocking

With the software, everything is a little easier, and all owners of smartphones based on Android can use it, and it does not matter what version of the phone you have. V Play Market Don't look for an app called Blacklist. Key feature the application is that it allows you to block not only calls from subscribers, but also SMS messages.

To do this, you will need to make the following settings:

The application allows you to block even non-numeric numbers, which will be relevant in cases when you are bored with advertising companies. You can always view the history of blocked calls and messages in the "History" tab and even read the contents of SMS. You can unblock the subscriber by highlighting the number and clicking on the bucket image located in the upper right corner.

Video: Working with the Blacklist program

Another unique method also allows you to block incoming calls and messages from subscribers. Download Avast! Mobile Security antivirus from the application store (not all antiviruses have the ability to add contacts to the blacklist).

Whichever method you use, each blocked subscriber will hear that the number is busy. Messages sent to them will not be displayed on the screen, but you can still view them.

The advanced functionality of setting the blacklist is available only for additional software. With their help, you can not only block the calls themselves, but also incoming messages, view their contents, the date of receipt and, in the case of antivirus, even set the date for disabling these functions.

All these applications are distributed free of charge (there is paid versions with great capabilities), so any user can download them even if the phone parameters and system requirements install programs on your smartphone.

Video: Blocking Unwanted Calls with Avast! Mobile Security

Possible problems and solutions

The main thing is, when you download and install the program, do it only with the help of official or trusted sources (Play Market or AppStore). Otherwise, you run the risk of "catching" malware on your phone. software... With its help, attackers can easily figure out the contacts of people with whom you communicate, your personal number phone and steal a huge amount of confidential data (especially if you often text via SMS). If you still use unverified sources, for example, forums where "flashed" versions of programs are posted, then install antivirus software in advance.

When using the blacklist, one serious problem can arise - after adding a person to the blacklist, you can skip some important event. If you used additional utility, then the person will not be able to let you know about him at all, because incoming messages will also be blocked. Also, be careful when dialing a number when adding a contact to the blacklist, so that another person does not accidentally get there. Usually no one has any other serious troubles when working with blacklists (especially built-in ones).

Each owner of a smartphone on the Android operating system can quickly block unwanted contact. This will help both traditional tools of the operating system itself, and additional applications. If it doesn't matter if SMS will come from a blocked subscriber and you don't need to install a certain time and date, then use the standard features. In all other cases, various applications will come to the rescue. After blocking, neither calls from the blocked subscriber, nor SMS messages will bother you.

Chatting with people through social media isn't always fun. Therefore, the Odnoklassniki website has such a function as the "Black List". It so happens that a person was rude during communication, and you. But what if the person was sent there by mistake? It is necessary to "pull" him out of there. This article provides detailed instructions, how to do it.

How to remove from the blacklist

There are two ways: on the page itself and through a button.

On the page

To remove a person from an emergency situation, it is not necessary to go to other sections. For this you need:

Through the button

In order not to scroll the page with the wheel, you can use the main menu under your name.

Remove from the blacklist from the phone

You can remove a person from an emergency not only with stationary computer but also from a mobile phone.

One small nuance: when you unblock a friend or guest, he will still not be able to enter your page for a day. He can do this only the next day.

Important! When you remove a person from the emergency, he can again comment on your page and send you messages. Therefore, before removing it from there, think: do you really need it?

If something is not clear you can watch the video.

Thus, you can delete everyone who is on this list. But removing everyone at once will not work. Each will have to be removed separately. This, of course, will take some time. But if it's really necessary, then it's worth it. In my opinion, now all the nuances of this issue are revealed, but how to do it in Odnoklassniki closed profile, you can read. Have a nice day everyone.

What a pity that sometimes we have to put some people on the black list so that they can no longer annoy us with endless calls. It can be both people we know and annoying advertising agents, banks and even collectors. Sometimes this is a forced, temporary measure that we resort to at a certain moment, for example, so as not to interfere with the performance of a very important job or spoil a special day. After a while, you have to remove the subscriber from the black list. But not everyone remembers how to do it. Let's figure out how to remove a number from the blacklist in specific cases.

How to check numbers in the operator's "black list" service?

All popular telecom operators today offer their customers a blacklist service. Each of them has its own rules and terms of payment, but in general, the principle of operation is the same: first you connect the service, then blacklist the numbers from which you would not like to receive calls.

But after some time, many simply forget who exactly is on the black list and how to extract them from there. So, if some subscriber complains that he cannot get through to you in any way, check if he is accidentally blacklisted. Before we tell you how to remove a number from the blacklist, let's try to find out if it is included there. So:

    For Megafon subscribers, there is a special USSD code that allows you to check numbers on the black list. To do this, dial * 130 * 3 # and press the call button. Also, in order to receive information, you can send the text "inf" to the short number 5130.

    Beeline clients can easily check the status of their list by personal account or using a request from the combination * 110 * 773 #.

    MTS, like all other operators, provides subscribers with a personal account, with which you can do a lot.

    And finally, Tele2 subscribers are provided with any manipulations with their list through their personal account.

How to remove a person's number from the blacklist if you have Megafon

Let's say you checked your list and found there a subscriber number that should not be there, or it's time to remove it from there. In order to understand how to remove a number from the black list of "Megafon", just go to your personal account, find the "black list" service and remove the number. In the absence of the Internet, you can enter the combination * 130 * 0, then the phone number after 7 (without the + sign) and the call button - this was a way to delete one number. If you need to remove all the numbers at once, the USSD command will help you * 130 * 6 #. You can also simply call service center by number 0500 and ask the operator to do it for you. True, in this case, you will have to wait a long time for the operator's response. Sometimes it can last up to 10-20 minutes, which, you see, is not always convenient.

How to remove a number from the black list of MTS

The beauty of blocking from MTS is that the subscriber can specify in the settings at what hours and days of the week the specified number will not be able to get through. That is, if you are bored with a specific person with your calls outside of working hours, you can limit communication with him. Thus, you will receive calls from him only when it is convenient for you.

If you wondered "how to remove a number from the blacklist?", Just send a request * 442 * 24 * 84, phone number and a pound. Like all other operators, MTS also provides a personal account for its clients.

We clear the black list "Beeline" and "Tele2"

In the same way, the operators "Beeline" and "Tele2" provide their subscribers with access to their personal account, where you can connect, add (delete) a number or completely disable the ignorlist using your personal account. You can also use convenient USSD commands. In order to remove the number on "Beeline", you need to dial the command * 110 * 772 *, phone number and #. To completely deactivate the service - * 110 * 770 # and the "call" button, in this way you can not only deactivate the service, but also delete all numbers from the list at once.

If you delete all numbers in the blacklist from "Tele2", the service is automatically deactivated. If there are still undeleted numbers, the service can be disabled manually with the command * 220 * 0 #.

Removing numbers from the Android phone ignore list

We figured out the operators, but what if you did not connect any options, and the person you need still cannot get through to you? It is possible that you or someone else accidentally blacklisted the number on the phone itself. This feature is found in almost all current smartphones. Let's try to figure out how to remove a number from the blacklist in the phone with operating system"Android".

So, the sequence for removing the number from the ignore is as follows: go to contacts and select the required phone number. By clicking on it, we find ourselves in the menu of this contact, then we call the menu and in the window that appears, uncheck the "Direct blocking" item. That's all there is to it, from now on the subscriber can call you at any time.

How to remove a phone number from an emergency if you have an iPhone?

Fans of iOS phones, that is, iPhones, also have such a service as blacklisting annoying people. And if you suddenly need to remove a number from this list, then there is nothing easier: first, go to the "Settings" section, then select one of the items: FaceTime, "Messages" or "Phone" and then at the very bottom you can find the item "Blocked" ... In the upper right corner you can see the "Change" button, when you click on it, the choice will appear: "Delete", "Unblock". It remains only to confirm your actions with the "Finish" button. On this, the question of how to remove a number from the black list of phone contacts is exhausted.

Basically, there is one more way: just select a contact and select "Unblock" with a slight gesture to the left.

Removing a number from the Samsung list

With "Android" and "iPhone" figured out, but what to do if you have such a popular today "Samsung"? Basically, if you were able to add a number to the blacklist, then you know how to remove it from there. And if not - now we will tell you the details.

We start with the "Phone" icon, in the "Logs" section, open the menu and in the "Call settings" sub-item, click on "Call rejection". Next, in the "Black List" column, we find the phone number we need and put a tick, and at the top we click on the basket icon. In the pop-up window, you will need to confirm your decision and, voila, you will be able to receive calls from this person again.

How to remove from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? We will have to understand this issue further. In fact, even a schoolboy can find the answer. Managing the black list in OK takes a minimum of time and effort. And the user does not need any special knowledge. Below we will consider all the ways to remove a person from the so-called "ignore".

About the blacklist

But before being removed from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, the user should think about whether to do so. After all, adding a user to "ignore" implies some restrictions.


  • the inability to visit the page of the person who blocked the user;
  • lack of rights to send messages to a specific person.

If you want to resume communication, you will first have to get the person from the black list. It is proposed to do this in different ways. Which ones exactly?


Let's start with the simplest scenario - deleting from a computer. How to remove a user from the blacklist?

This will require:

  1. Pass authorization on Odnoklassniki in your profile.
  2. Scroll the page to the very end.
  3. Click on "Black List".
  4. Click on the "Delete" button next to the icon of the corresponding user.

Ready! Now it is clear how to remove them from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki. This is just one of possible options development of events. What else is offered to users of the social network?

Through the menu

For example, you can act using a special navigation menu. This technique is somewhat reminiscent of the previous alignment. The difference is that blacklists are included in different ways. There are no more significant differences in the techniques.

How can a person be removed from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? This requires:

  1. Go to your profile on the social network.
  2. In the upper part of the window, click on the "More" button.
  3. Go to the "Black List" section.
  4. Repeat the last step from the previous instructions.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. But that's not all. Modern users can manage the black list in OK by different methods.

Through the questionnaire

The next technique is not in great demand, but it still takes place. How to remove a friend from the blacklist? "Odnoklassniki" offer to bring the idea to life directly from the user's profile.

The blacklist cleaning guide looks like this:

  1. Go through authorization in your profile.
  2. Use any known method to log into the profile of a person added to the blacklist.
  3. Click on the avatar - a special menu will open.
  4. Select the command "Remove from the black list".
  5. Confirm the operation.

In just a few seconds after the performed actions, the user will be unblocked. This technique does not cause any difficulties.

Bulk delete

We have figured out how to remove this or that person from the "OK" blacklist. Is it possible to massively clear the corresponding menu item?

Unfortunately no. The point is that for complete cleaning the blacklist will have to remove people from there one by one. It is not possible to remove several users at a time. It is for this reason that it is recommended to regularly check your "blacklist" and clean it.

Mobile platforms

A little differently you will have to act if the user decided to bring the idea to life on mobile platform... More precisely, through a specialized application for phones. If you plan to clean up the blacklist using a browser, the previously studied recommendations will do.

In the case of working with a special application for mobile phones necessary:

  1. Go to the "OK" program for your smartphone.
  2. Pass authorization using your username and password.
  3. Click in the upper left corner on the button with three horizontal lines.
  4. Open the "Settings" section.
  5. Click on your name.
  6. Click on the "Black List" section.
  7. In the upper right corner of the line with the desired user, click on the button with three dots.
  8. Select the "Delete" option.
  9. Conduct procedure confirmation.

Now it is clear how to remove them from the blacklist in Odnoklassniki. All of these tricks work equally well. Users can use any instruction we studied earlier.

Is it possible to clear the blacklist through special applications? No. Most of these programs are fraudulent. It is recommended to avoid them. After all, clearing the blacklist is a fairly simple procedure. And even a novice user will be able to cope with the task at hand.

How To Remove A Phone Number From Blacklist App


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