
The ChargeCard Is The Compact USB Charger We’ve All Been Waiting For - gilllind1944

[Credit: Noah Dentzel and Adam Miller/Kickstarter]

Although they do exist, portable chargers for mobile devices often suffer from a same significant issue–their size. At many point in any cell phone user's hebdomad, there's likely to atomic number 4 a moment of panic when the battery is dwindling and an outlet OR courser is nowhere visible. And nobody wants to carry around an easy tangled charging line if they can avoid it.

That's where the ChargeCard comes in. This Kickstarter project by Noah Dentzel and Adam Henry Valentine Miller is a USB cable designed to be a compact, convenient solution for space-conscious techies. It's just three times as deep atomic number 3 a charge card, and you can easily depot it in a wallet, a purse, or a pocket.

The simplicity and foresight of the design might be its most attractive features. One inferior bulky appurtenant unmoving at the bottom of the backpack is cause for celebration alone, but the thought that went into this charger is extremely impressive.

The ChargeCard is rare enough to fit behind most iPhone cases, and its iPhone port also sticks out far enough to adjust to the size of large cases besides. And as soon as the demand increased and the word began to spread near the project, the creators sprang into action at law to assure Blackberry and Android owners that they would be designing a Micro USB ChargeCard to work with those phones as well.

It has simply been a few days, and concluded 2,000 backers have already nearly double the initial $50,000 goal of the project. There's nonetheless plenty of time to donate money, but the pledge rewards are running out, so point over to the ChargeCard Kickstarter soon if the project interests you.

[ChargeCard via Kickstarter]

Jacob Siegal spends a vast majority of his time surrounded with and invested in engineering and media, so He decided atomic number 2 may as well start written material astir them. You dismiss find more of his penning at Game Ranting and his topical tweets @JacobSiegal .

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