
How To Tell What Animal You Are Most Like In Personality

What Animal Am I? Quiz

Have our 'what animal am I?' quiz to find out which animal yous are well-nigh like!

In that location are literally a zillion different types of fauna in the earth. Our personal favourites are Sea Slugs, Red Colobus Monkeys, Badgers, and anybody's favourite subterranean sniffler, the Star-Nosed Mole. So, are yous feeling wild (like a wolf) or are y'all feeling like curling-upwards in bed and sleeping all day (like a cat)?

In fact, y'all could inhabit the characteristics of many different types of animals during the day. It all depends on whether information technology's the morning, lunchtime or the hour before you get to bed. Let's see which animal you're most similar to… correct now! You're obviously an animal fan, so earlier you lot have this quiz, we just want to tell you about Animate being Planet Magazine, the nearly awesome, roar-some animal-filled magazine around. One time you've read Animal Planet Magazine feel gratis to pop back hither and bank check out some of our other animal personality quizzes like our world famous What Animal Do I Wait Like? quiz or our Epic What Dog Should I Become Quiz or our What Cat Am I? Personality Quiz!

1/15 A man and a skunk in a messy room

How would you depict your bedchamber?

two/fifteen A singing dog and man joining in

How would yous describe your singing style?

3/15 A dog relaxing with a bowl of popcorn

What kind of films do you savour watching?

4/15 Clothes rack of t-shirts

What apparel practise you lot wearable when you want to relax?


It's Saturday morning. What time do you normally wake up?

6/fifteen A puma

What exercise you want to exercise this weekend?


What did you lot have for dinner last nighttime?


What are you listening to right now?


What's your ideal birthday party?


textbackpack | Giphy

What's your favourite thing almost going to school?


Where do you want to go on holiday?


Nosotros've asked about your outfit for relaxing, but what are you wearing correct now?

13/15 A dog and a cat

Complete this sentence: "in that location'south zero I like more than___"


A genie grants you a wish. What do you wish for?


How practise yous relax after a long day doing quizzes?

You are a: SLOTH!

You prefer to take things ho-hum, and spend most of the day asleep or sitting in tree branches looking confused. Other animals might laugh at the moss that grows in your fur, merely the humans dearest you. You're also an internet celebrity and surprisingly good at pond!rn

Yous are a: PEACOCK!

You're a bear witness-off! Only rightly then considering of how dandy yous look, all the fourth dimension. You spend hours working on your appearance, and can create sub-sonic frequencies past ruffling your tail feathers. Just y'all're not only a pretty face! Yous're also highly intelligent and can nonetheless wing despite existence weighed downwardly by a behemothic, shiny dress.

Yous are a: PLATYPUS!

Well yous're just straight up confusing. You've got a tail like a beaver, a face up like a duck, fur like an otter and webbed feet. But being a flake of a weirdo has its benefits - as i of the few animals that produces both eggs and milk, you lot could brand your own custard. Sound like you? Idea so.

You are a: DOLPHIN!

Yous're super intelligent and have lots of friends, who you like pranking and communicating with via a surreptitious language of clicks and whistles. You're always upward for a laugh and unlike humans, you lot use your giant brain for fun. Your hobbies include backflips, surfing and winding up fishermen.

Quiz Writer: Beano Quiz Team

The Beano Quiz team love writing quizzes, from Emoji Quizzes, Personality Quizzes, Trivia Quizzes to Fauna Quizzes. If you dearest it, nosotros've probably written a quiz on information technology!

Don't be owl by yourself when yous take this Animate being Quiz because quite honestly cat just won't practise! You can take it with a mate afterward feeding fourth dimension and see how they do or you could try it with the residuum of the herd – it's e'er more than the merrier on So, if you want to connect with your inner animal, now's your run a risk because remember, annihilation is paws-ible with our roar-some Animal Quiz!

We wrote this Beast Quiz so you tin get to know the Animal Kingdom and lucifer a magnificent animal to your unique personality!


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